When we pulled into St. Augustine Municipal Marina we were assigned a slip between 2 other trawlers and next to a third. It turns out that all three of these boats are on a ”Great Loop” adventure and it was fun to hear their stories.
The Great Loop is the ultimate inland voyage. It is comprised of many waterways, circumnavigating the eastern United States. Those on the loop, typically travel north on the ICW in the spring, then go up the Hudson River, through the Erie Canal and Great Lakes in the summer. After arriving in Chicago around Labor Day, the loopers travel down the Mississippi and/ or Tom Bigbee and arrive to New Orleans or Mobile by the January, spend the winter in the Keys or Bahamas, before turning north again in the spring. This accomplishment takes about a year and the three couples we met, had all started in different places, but were now traveling in company, having met up on the route. They were all having a grand time and shared some stories about this ultimate adventure.
One couple had started in Kentucky, another in Ohio and the third (formerly Rhode Islanders) had started in Portland Maine. Loopers tend to keep moving and have to be prepared for whatever circumstances arise. They are weather savvy and ready to take advantage of available moorings, slips or anchoring. While our conversations were brief, due to our scheduled departure, early the next morning, we hope to see them again on the trip north or if they divert to Rhode Island.

Next stop…Fernandina Harbor on Amelia Island