Deltaville Diversions – Yorktown


When it became apparent that neither the weather or supply chain were going permit a timely exit from Deltaville, we rented a car to explore the area. Some land time, away from the bouncing boat would feel good.

Our first stop was Yorktown, about an hour away, for a guided tour of the Revolutionary War battle field and explanation of how Washington, Lafayette, Rochambeau laid siege to the town, held by Cornwallis. Essentially, land-based the colonists and French soldiers surrounded the town while a fleet of ships blockaded the sea routes. The combined colonial and french forces just kept closing in until Cornwallis surrendered. Evidence of this military action are still visible in the field trenches and redoubt fortifications. A very cool battlefield!

Elegant simplicity of split rail fences
Beautiful beach next to the downtown area
Lots of brick buildings help preserve the low lying town

Yorktown also has a small downtown of colonial era buildings with a marine museum dedicated to the Chesapeake oyster trade, a few restaurants, a few gift shops and a beautiful beach.

spring comes earlier to Virginia
Great lunch spot
Explaining battle strategy to the generals
Last minute car rental, with crank windows,
New York plates and a big step up!

Tomorrow…Colonial Williamsburg